Friday, August 23, 2024

Fantasy Caravan Day 47 - Valdez to Tok

On Wednesday, we traveled from Valdez to Tok, returning to a town we've already visited and even to the same campground and campsite where we stayed on day 25...

We headed back up the mountain toward Thompson Pass (where we had gone to in the Jeep on Tuesday) -- these L-shaped markers are, according to The Milepost, so the snow plows know where the road is.

There have been several places along our route where the guard rails are *very* close to the right white line on the roads, and many times there are dents in them indicating that they get hit with some frequency. We were successful in *not* being one to add to the dents in the guard rail!

A glacier along the way

The Milepost had indicated that we would be passing Alyeska Pump Station 12 -- it also indicated that there was no public access, so I was busily taking pictures out the side window as we passed hoping to get one that wasn't covered with trees...

... so I got one!

One of our fellow caravan RVs in front of us. We don't travel "nose-to-tail" and, in fact, are asked to not have more than 3 RVs together, so we don't cause difficulty to other traffic on the roads.

A view of the Wrangell Mountains

A person with inventiveness in mail boxes -- from the left -- "Black Mail" (black mailbox), "Junk Mail" (over the trash can), unmarked on this side -- maybe it is "E" mail (see the post holding the mailbox up), "Air Mail" (up high), "Willow Lake B&B" (this might be the real mailbox), "Snail Mail" (on the ground with a picture of a snail on it), and "Dog Sled Mail" (on top of the fire hydrant).

After a somewhat nerve-wracking day (lots of frost heaves and damaged pavement), we got to our campground in Tok -- our Fantasy Ambassadors provided us with pizza and salad and ice cream for dinner to soothe our frazzled nerves! You haven't lived until you hear all the dishes and pots and pans in your home raise up off their shelves at the top of a heave and then crash back down! We didn't really have anything quite that bad though I think Miss Kitty almost left Carl's lap one time while I was driving!

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