Saturday, August 31, 2024

Fantasy Caravan Day 55 - Watson Lake, YT to Dease Lake, BC

On Thursday, we left the Watson Lake area and the Yukon Territory and continued south on the Cassiar Highway.

We soon crossed over into British Columbia, with lots of stickers from other visitors on their Welcome sign!

The road looked like a track for a roller coaster with hills bobbing up and down!

View of Cassiar Mountains (according to The Milepost, I wouldn't know!)

We decided to stop in Jade City...

It is really just a gift store...

There are evidently a lot of jade mines in this area.

Some items in the gift store:

(we didn't purchase anything - though others of our group did)

There was a guy outside who was supposed to be cutting or polishing... but the lady at the campground on Wednesday night had told us that all the cutting and polishing is done in China - doing it domestically would make the product too expensive.

I think this is "Needlepoint" mountain -- very sharp peak!

We had been seeing warning signs about loose gravel, and on previous days, we came across multiple instances where the gravel was definitely newly laid. We didn't notice newly laid gravel on this stretch of road, but there was a point where a tractor-trailer was barreling toward us at a high rate of speed, and although we slowed and pulled right, there was no way to avoid another rock chip on the windshield. Bummer!

We thought that the trees alongside the road were so beautiful -- they look like they might be outlined in ice, they were glistening so brightly. But, it did not appear to be wet, and it certainly wasn't cold enough to be ice (high 50Fs).

We came to roost at Dease Lake RV Park...

where one of our group built a fire in the fire pit...

... and we enjoyed its warmth and the warmth of camaraderie with our group.

Our ambassadors provided us with a dinner of make-your-own nachos -- yum!

The campground had a few interesting vehicles in front of the office -- I don't have any additional narrative to go with them, but am including pictures in case my brother is interested!

Starlink dish base in bed of pickup

According to what we were told about the campground, it is under new ownership -- so I don't know whether the new owners brought the cars with them or what. One of our fellow travelers pointed out that there did not appear to be any garage space under which the vehicles could be protected.

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