Monday, March 25, 2024

Licon Dairy Petting Zoo and Cattleman's Steakhouse

We stayed at Licon Dairy near El Paso, TX on Thursday evening. 

They have a "Petting Zoo" that we visited in the afternoon...

What a deal! You pay to get food from their store to feed their animals so the staff don't need to do it!

Some cute burros (actually, none of the animals had identification signs, so whatever name I label them with is just my thought of what they were!)

Sheep (there was a pig in the pen to the right)



When we got to the goat pen, I noticed a lot of food pellets on the ground that had evidently been dropped by previous visitors... so...

... I recycled it!

There were some little ones over by the ladder-ramp -- a couple of them looked like they were young, but others may have been full grown but pygmies.

I gave some pellets to Carl so he was also feeding some -- in this case a deer...

... and another in the deer pen - though the male objected to any others getting fed!

There was a small pond with an island on it in the midst of the animal pens (none of the animals had access to it).

Some Longhorn cattle



The peacock got up when we got near but he didn't display his tail feathers by raising them. I guess the peahen was not close enough or interesting enough to warrant his attention!

I still had 3 pieces of food from outside the goat enclosure, so these three burros got a piece each as we were leaving.

We always enjoy visiting Cattleman's Steakhouse when we're near Fabens, Texas so we drove up there for supper...

Arriving at the steakhouse

Display of the various cuts of meat

Our meal has arrived!

We enjoyed our visits in the area around El Paso!

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